Slot Wizard

You can use our slot wizard to quickly update your slot schedules. 

Work your way through each of the wizard steps below.

Need help? Click wherever you see the  symbol for contextual help.


STEP1: Add or Replace

Choose if the slots you are about to create should be added to any slots you have already or if your schedule should be replaced


Step 2: Week Days

Choose which days of the week you want the wizard to create slots for


Step 3: Earliest Slot Start Time

Enter the earliest time of day that you want a slot to start in 24-hour format (HH:mm)


Step 4: Latest Slot Start Time

Enter the latest time of day that you want a slot to start in 24-hour format (HH:mm)


Step 5: Slot Duration

Enter how long a slot should last in hours and minutes format (HH:mm)


Step 6: Order Capacity

Specify how many orders you are willing to accept in any slot



