Pack Order

This is the first step of the pick and pack process for an order. At the top of this page are two comment boxes which will be shown depending on whether 1) the customer has opted to not receive substitute products and/or 2) has inputted with their order any additional comments. 

Substitute Orders

If a customer has specified that they do not want to receive substitute orders for any item that is out of stock, then it will appear in red


Customer Comments

At checkout customers have the option to make any additional comments.

For example, specifying a particular number of items that are sold by weight, e.g.: 5 carrots. 

Any additional comments are displayed above the order listing. 


Order Information

Order and customer details are located below the comments, if the customer has made additional comments. If there are no comments, order information is at the top of the page.


Substitute Products

If a customer has marked that they are willing to accept substitute products, then if you click on the 'select an optional substitute' box and start typing it will offer you a range of substitutes. 


Dispatched Quantity

When you pack your order, you need to fill in the dispatched quantity, number of items or exact weight.

