Add Product

On this page you can add products individually. To do so you need to fill in those fields which are marked 'required' . In what follows we explain each of the fields. In addition, you can click wherever you see the icon to access popup contextual help on that field.

Your ID

This is any ID that you have that uniquely identifies the product in your system. It may be a name, code number or something that interacts with your internal stock or EPOS system. If you do not already have an existing ID then you are totally at liberty to use whatever suits you e.g. Apple1 , Pizza2 or just a list of numbers from 1 onwards. This ID is used to map between existing products and any products you might upload via a comma seperated (csv) file so that you can upload product updates.

Sort ID

This is potentially an important field to add depending on how you wish your products to be displayed. If you do not complete this field then by default all of your products will be listed and displayed in your store in alphabetical Name order. This works well if you are a grocer, butcher, fishmonger etc. People can still filter by product category - which we explain later. 

However, if there is a particular order that you want your products to be shown in, then this is where you can set  that order. If you simply want everything to be run in a particular order, then if you mark/ rank that position with a number against each product, that is the order in which they will be displayed. Start with '001 '002 etc.

You may want to group a particular set of products- e.g starters, main courses, salads etc. If you set Sort ID as '1 starter' for all of your starters, then they will all be grouped together, displayed first, and then sorted alphabetically within that group. If you mark all of your main courses as '2 main' then likewise they will be shown second, after all of the starters, and then alphabetically within the main category, and so on. 


This is a required field and is the name by which the product will be displayed and also how customers can search for the product.


When a customer clicks on your product the first thing that they will see is a description of the product, which you can set here. If you have any legal requirements that you need to fulfill in the product description, then please include these here as well. 


This is where you can set which category a product fits into e.g salad, apples, beef, pizza etc. Customers can filter by category from your storefront so this is a useful field to add. Some products can of course fit within multiple categories. If so then you can list multiple categories here. Simply make sure that there is a comma between them e.g meat, game, diced

Country of origin

This is an optional field . However if you are completing this field it is important that you use the correct country code. If you click on the “please select” and the drop down box you will get to choose from a list of countries.

Locally sourced

This is self explanatory, simply click on the box to mark it as locally sourced.


Here you specify how the product is sold. You have three choices- by kg weight, in packs or individually.

Unit Price

Relates to the above and is the price relative to how the product is sold i.e price per kg, price per item, price per pack


The default setting is GBP

Sales Tax (%) 

This is the VAT rate that is included in your price - which is displayed to customers. It does not affect your price and is for reporting purposes only. 

In stock

If you have a product that is currently in stock then set this to “true”. If however it is “in season” but currently you are out of stock then set it to “false”.  If you look at your store front you will see that your product is still showing in your store front but is marked “sorry this is currently out of stock”.


As this section is all about uploading new products for the first time then we can assume that  the product is available. In which case select “true”. If at a later date you want to remove it from your storefront this is dealt with on the Product Manager Help page. 

Average item weight

Although this is an optional field, it is particularly helpful for certain types of business where items are sold by weight - mainly food sales such as grocers, butchers, fishmongers. If you sell and price an item by weight, then if you complete this field, then as the customer adds a certain weight to their basket, this will allow us to estimate the number of products that they are adding. For example , if you sell butternut squash by weight, and the average weight  is 0.8 kg then when that weight is reached it will estimate that the customer will receive 1 butternut squash. Our consistent feedback from users has been that this field is important as it allows them to ‘picture’ how many of an item they will receive. 

Minimum Order Increment

This field is useful when a product is sold by kg weight. You can set the minimum increment or increase in weight you want to allow when a customer clicks on the + button to add to their order size. In the example above for butternut squash, as typically you do not want to sell part of a butternut squash , you would set the minimum order increment to be the same as the average item weight. So every time the customer clicks on the + button the weight increases by 0.8kg and the estimated number increases by 1. 

Minimum Order Quantity

This is the minimum amount you are prepared to allow for an order. Continuing with the Butternut squash example, if you only sell them as whole, then you would likewise set this to 0.8kg. 

Maximum Order Quantity

This is an optional field which allows you to set the maximum quantity of any product that you are prepared to offer for sale. 

